
Business Communication : Summary of Chapter 7.

Revising, proofreading, and evaluating is the final stage of the 3-x-3 writing process, it is to ensure that your message fulfills its purpose. A message is clear if it is immediately understood by its audience.

 For clarity, a message ought to be simple, and conversational. Eliminate foggy writing by applying the KISS formula: Keep It Short and Simple. Additionally, achieve a conversational tone by including occasional contractions and first person pronouns. 

Moreover, a message should make its point in the fewest number of words possible. This is efficient because main points stand out, thus saving the reader valuable time. To create a concise message, fillers such asthere and it should be removed as well as long obvious lead-ins. Redundancies from excessive adjectives, adverbs, and phrases are to be avoided, and compound prepositions and empty words should be purged.

In order to add vigour to a message, verbs should not be needlessly transformed into nouns, and overused trite business expressions ought to be cut out.

It is suggested to use parallelism to ensure comprehension by the reader. Parallelism means consistency in the use of verbs and nouns. Numbered and bulleted lists add ease for the reader when understanding the essence of a message. A message can also be reinforce by adding visual effects such as headings at the beginning of certain sentences. Furthermore, one could use myriad graphic techniques that directly affect the visual aspects of the words. For example, capitalizing, underlying and bolding of letters are good tactics to catch the attention of readers.

 Finally, the readability of a message should be reviewed by having it proofread at least twice. Proofreading consists of looking for word meanings, and analyzing technical elements and grammar to evaluate whether or not a message has achieved its purpose.   

10 Bulleted Points

1)                  Objectives of revising: for clarity, for conversational tone, for conciseness, for vigour and directness.

2)                  Keep the writing short and simple for clarity

3)                  Avoid legal terminology, technical words, and third-person construction to be conversational

4)                  Use active-voice sentences to avoid confusing negative expressions.

5)                  Avoid opening fillers, long lead-ins, redundancies, compound prepositions, and empty words to achieve conciseness.

6)                  Avoid using wordy noun phrase and trite phrase by transforming noun phrases to verbs to   increase vigour.

7)                  Use parallelism, numbered and bulled lists, headings, and graphic techniques to increase readability.

8)                  Watch for spelling, grammar, punctuation, names, number, and format when proofread.

9)                  For important message, print a copy with double space and read twice. For the book   chapter, long article, report, read third time.

10)              Be open to criticism when evaluating messages through feedback.

Additional Links

How to Revise a College Essay
This video gives additional information to students who want to better perform in their writing skills. Length: 9 minutes, 49 seconds

This link is useful for students who want to have more information on the subject through an academic book on Amazon at this link:

This link is a downloadable PDF that students can refer to online.

Online Workshop
This link is a website called American Management Association that offers online seminars on the topics plus a free downloadable booklet in PDF format. 


News Letter
The website Money Watch is providing an article on the subject. The article is called Banish Bad Business Writing With Crowdsourced Proofreading.

Business Communication Blog:
This site is a text posted by an expert trainer in writing skills called Evelyn Draper. Her post is called Create Business from the Inside Out. Good for those who have little or no experience on the matter.


Zenome provides addition resources as a directory for communication resources.

Wikipedia link

This link explains in detail how to effectively revise, proofread, and evaluate writing.

Downloadable PowerPoint

This is a PowerPoint that underlines the basics of the topics. It can be useful for those who have a basic knowledge of the subject. It can be viewed through Facebook.



n.d. 2011 <http://www.une.edu.au/tlc/aso/students/factsheets/revising-and-editing.pdf>.

Concordia University . Revising and Editing Strategies. n.d. 20 10 2011 <http://learning.concordia.ca/Help/handouts/WritingHO/RevisingEditingStrategies.shtml>.

Copp, Melinda. Five EASY Ways to Improve Your Business Writing . 2000. 15 10 2011 <http://www.frugalmarketing.com/dtb/improve-your-business-writing.shtml>.

John Molson School of Business. Business Communication: Process and Product. Toronto: Nelson Education, 2010.

Procter, Margaret. Revising And Editing . n.d. 21 10 2011 <http://www.writing.utoronto.ca/advice/style-and-editing/revising>.

Stevens, Kevin T., Kathleen C. Stevens and William P. Stevens. Measuring the Readability of Business Writing: The Cloze Procedure Versus Readability Formulas. 2011. 10 23 2011 <http://job.sagepub.com/content/29/4/367>.

Study Guide and Strategies. Revising and editing writing assignments. 1996. 11 26 2011 <http://www.studygs.net/writing/revising.htm>.

The Roberts Group. Writing Tips . 1992. 27 10 2011 <http://www.editorialservice.com/11ways.html>.